HaHa Moment
Haha Moment Haha Relax for a Haha Moment Haha life: Quote from -HaHa Orange-
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Korean Girls & StarCraft 2 Relationship
If you type @[4:0] in any comment on facebook, "Mark Zuckerberg" will appear
Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish?
before & after the prison, if you know what i meant...
MEME class of 2012
The day that Marty McFly travels to the future is today: 27 June 2012
My Cup, like a sir! in Victorian times
Gurney Plaza, Penang, Malaysia
The Original Angry Bird
Monday, June 25, 2012
How to train like this....
Nuclear Launch Detected. Nuclear Lunch Detected. themetapicture.com
Who is your real friend TEST
Li Ka Shing motivational quotes
Exercise made easy! with the new cell phone dumbbell. starting from $ 19.95!
another MILF MEME
Consequences: Stop and think about the innocent!
Do not grow up. It's a trap!
Thor & Pak-Thor
Friday, June 22, 2012
Frosty forced to sell his body during hard times...
How to write an essay like a boss!
Ms. Horse Universe!
Hello, my name is Kelly
How to pick up chicks using a guitar...
Iron Sheep
How to Riot Like A Sir...
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Kiss me like you have never kissed before
Exercise is hell, Sleep well!
How the Gentlemen died out
Sylvester Stallone spotted more than 500 years old painting, year 1511...
The world will end at 31st of December 2099 because Windows said so!
Me Gusta X2 ;-)
Monday, June 18, 2012
lol, DEJA POO!
Google Translate: Taiwan is China's?
Will you marry me? I'll catch a grenade for ya....
World War II: The Nokia 3310 Bomber...
How to reply to a breakup. Like a Boss!
How it rains? Easy to understand explanation...
What's the best acid to dissolve a body in and how long would it take?
Avoid the Shark Bubbles! Fishes forming do-not-swim-zones around the sharks
Thursday, June 14, 2012
sexual calorie counter
Ninja Turtle going back home...
Let's play some water
Beach MILF
If men wrote advice columns
Orange Vagina Tastes Delicious
The mother of all Flags: The Flag of Norway
Holy Water like a Boss!
Walking like a boss! Where's my boots man....
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Men in Black Asian Version MIB 3
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